Tangible Modeling Method for Faster Rapid Prototyping

Abstract In this paper we discuss the development of a novel rapid prototyping method that makes the process of creating tangible electronic artefacts faster and easier. This method makes use of a new paper-like material that can be given any form just by hand or by using other stationary objects. This material changes its stiffness and becomes harder soon after the modeling process. Furthermore, this material can be integrated within electronic circuits using magnetic connectors and silver. The discussed method has been conceptualized using a People-Centered Design approach while its implementation has been led by an engineering approach. Both, the conceptualization process as well as the implementation of the discussed rapid prototyping method have been detailed in this paper along with example scenarios where the said implementation could be useful.

Tangible Modelling Platform (Sony Fellowship at CIID) from CIID on Vimeo.

Related information


NNakamaru, S., Bak, J., & Saxena, D. (2016, February). Tangible modeling methods for faster rapid prototyping. In Proceedings of the TEI’16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (pp. 518-523). ACM(Link)


User Research とそこからのinsight抽出, アイディア拡張のワークショップ, Prototype作成のユーザーテストとその改善の繰り返しといった一連のDesign Processを担当した. Jakob Bak氏, Dhurv Saxna氏にWorkshopのファシリテーションやDesign Process推進のサポートをいただいた.


CIID, “SONY Fellowship”, http://ciid.dk/research/fellowships/sony-fellowship/