A Stiffness-Controlled Surface for Size- and Shape-Changing Interfaces

We propose a new system called xSlate, a stiffness controlled surface for shape changing interfaces. It is enabled by a deformable frame structure that consists of linear actuators, and an elastic skin surface that can configure its stiffness by pneumatic jamming. We have implemented the prototype and explored its applications.

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平井 誠之, 中丸 啓, 川原 圭博, 筧 康明, xSlate:素材硬度制御と機械的伸縮制御による形状・サイズ可変なフィジカルインタフェース, (2019), 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 Vol.24, No.3 (to be appeared)

Hirai, T., Nakamaru, S., Kawahara, Y., & Kakehi, Y. (2018, April). xSlate: A Stiffness-Controlled Surface for Shape-Changing Interfaces. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. D113). ACM.


本研究はTakayuki Hirai氏によってコンセプトの立案, xSlateの実装, 評価などが行われた. 私は実験の評価方法やElastomer材料の扱い方などの部分をサポートした.